Our stately pleasure dome finds itself Khanless for the next few days; he's away on business. High times indeed in the harem! Koosha has seen to it that I have unrestricted and uninterrupted access to the study. There are a few planned outings -- I will be coming down with a nasty headache tomorrow.
I thought you might like to know a little about Pasha** -- at least more than what he doesn't look like (see above). He is quite tall and athletically trim, with dark hair and olive skin. Imagine a cross between Naveen Andrews and Nestor Carbonell (yes, we watch Lost -- it takes some of the romance out of it, doesn't it?). He is, of course, fantastically wealthy. It would not be inaccurate to say his business involves international shipping. I'll say no more on that topic. For a man who likes to have many women about, he is surprisingly impatient. I would describe him as kind and lavishly generous but prone to bouts of impetuous (albeit mostly harmless) anger. He is easily subdued, as are most men who live at the mercy of their egos. He is clever in his business dealings and his social relations.
He is Moldavian (geographically), the son of a Macedonian father and Bulgarian mother (a former belle of Sofia whose first husband met with a most unfortunate end). His affections and affectations are decidedly western.
The only feeling better than being seen on the arm of a man like Pasha is secretly believing you could outsmart him. Time will tell.
Behnaz (our newest, and final, addition) just broke a priceless vase practicing hip-hop dance moves in the salon. I'm off to save her sorry behind. More soon!
**Yes, I am being liberal with the use of this term, and many others, strictly speaking. We are all well versed in correct Ottoman terminology. Since I can't use his name, I'll use many different terms which speak only of his position as a man in power. And Pasha is pretty.
He sounds like a charming fellow, but I'd still like to kick his butt.
Is the salon like an upmarket hairdressers? Not the best place to keep priceless vases.
GB -- It is true he is a man among men, but among apes he would be a ragdoll for your amusement. Remember: you've got my back.
Scarlet -- Silly! We have a woman come in to do our hair for special events. With Behnaz around there is NO good place to keep priceless vases.
Obviously priceless has no meaning to Behnaz. Everything has no price, when price is on object. All except you dear girl, who has a price far above rubies!
Alas, one must keep an eye on the new girls. Jumping about for attention. In the words of the immortal mary J. Blige," everybody always wants what they can't see, and the can't have, and what they can't buy and that's you!)"
Wow, he's done well for a Moldavian! As a newcomer to your blog, who are these people exactly?
Beverly HW -- I agree. She needs watching. And thank you! I would like to believe I can't be bought but it seems I can (sigh).
Welcome Gadjo! Thanks for stopping by. All will be revealed. You should probably read the warning on my first post, but it's too late for you now anyway. (sympathetic smile)
At the risk of being tracked down and popped like a Turkish delight is popped into a gaping mouth blistering with teeth, I prostrate myself before you, Ava, and whisper a sweet double entendre to your silk slippered feet. I shall follow you to whatever end.
Welcome, D! I can see I'm going to have to be careful about you... there's nothing like a poetic flourish and the promise of fearless devotion. You do give a girl ideas.
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